Let’s not have White Supremacists take over our streets and spread their hate!
If you ever felt helpless and wondered how you can stand up against hate,
here’s an easy and efficient way to counter-act hate with immediate action.
here’s an easy and efficient way to counter-act hate with immediate action.
HateXchange will flip hate into involuntary donations. How?, you ask: Have the haters raise the money for you!
Each time Nazis show up to march, they will raise $1 per person marching.
The funds will be used to help organizations fighting hate, bigotry and xenophobia, helping those who are looking to leave the right-wing scene, because the far right is not the right way.
The funds will be used to help organizations fighting hate, bigotry and xenophobia, helping those who are looking to leave the right-wing scene, because the far right is not the right way.
For more read the post.
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