It has already been 10 years that on every first weekend in August, neo-Nazis have been calling for the mourning march in the small town located to the west of Hannover. Likewise, over the same time period, Bad Nenndorf has been creatively resisting. Bad Nenndorf opposes the annual and revisionist deployment with a joyful and colourfully decorated town and loud protests.
This year’s edition of Germany’s involuntary charity march will be complemented by a very diverse protest movement: Nazis against Nazis. After Wunsiedel it’s now Bad Nenndorf’s turn to “march and donate”. The appropriate atmosphere will be ensured with posters, banners, signposting on the demonstration route including motivating slogans, and typical elements of a competitive run, such as ‘start’ and ‘finish’ lines in order to transform the path into a charity sports march. Slogans such as “national and generous!” or “final run instead of final victory” will encourage protestors to march with the following aspect in mind: for every minute of undesired presence in Bad Nenndorf, 10 € from citizens and companies, will be donated for the removal of extreme-right tattoos. In illustrative terms, this means: 1 minute = 10 € = 1 cm2 of cover up space. After three hours of walking, this corresponds to nearly 2 m2 space covered by extreme-right tattoos. Thus, the neo-Nazis will involuntarily support the project ex-it tattoo removal of the EXIT Germany initiative. The project will be dedicated to the removal of political tattoos. It will help individuals who have left the extreme right to tackle the crucial visible dimension of their exit.. EXIT will establish a reliable network of tattoo studios at a federal level, which can be contacted by the persons concerned. If you would like to support the action, please donate to:
ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur gGmbH
Commerzbank Berlin
Verwendungszweck: Spende exittattoo
IBAN: DE20 1008 0000 0906 4527 01
„Nazis against Nazis“ is an initiative of the ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur GmbH and in Bad Nenndorf supported by: Bad Nenndorf ist bunt.
Contact points for further information are available under the following link:
Fabian Wichmann, ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur gGmbH, fabian.wichmann[at] | Tel: 0177 2404806
Jürgen Uebel, Bad Nenndorf ist bunt, info[at] |